Credit Card And Related News For April 2006 - 
Welcome to the latest news concerning UK credit cards and other related topics for the month of April 2006
- Barclaycard Scheme To Prevent Holiday Hassle [ 28.04.06 ]
In order to ensure their customers have a hassle-free foreign holiday when it comes to using plastic, Barclaycard has announced the introduction of a new service that aims to prevent their credit card being incorrectly rejected when used overseas.
- Consumers To Increase Spending On Credit Cards [ 28.04.06 ]
Over the next three months UK consumers are expected to double the amount they spend on their credit cards, with foreign holidays and DIY accounting for the largest increases.
- Banks To Pay Instant Interest On Cheques [ 27.04.06 ]
The beleaguered cheque received some welcomed news when Lloyds TSB became the first British bank to pay interest on cheques as soon as they are paid into personal accounts.
- UK Youth Saddled With Unsecured Debt [ 26.04.06 ]
Figures released by the Alliance & Leicester show that people under the age of 30 have the highest levels of unsecured debt in the UK, with the average young person owing around £8,000.
- UK Consumers Complacent About Identity Theft [25.04.06 ]
According to recent report two thirds of Britons underestimate the risk posed from identity theft. Despite heightened awareness of ID theft, especially over the last twelve months, consumers in the UK still appear to be complacent, research by MyCallcredit reveals.
- Credit Card Perks Go Unclaimed [ 25.04.06 ]
A study published last week revealed that despite thousands of consumers earning monthly reward points through their credit cards, almost two-thirds fail to cash-in these points and collect their rewards.
- EU Get Tough On Credit Card Fees [ 21.04.06 ]
Just a week after having their knuckles wrapped by the UK Office of Fair Trading, credit card firms have been told to reduce penalty fees. According to the EU penalty fees charged to consumers and businesses by both credit and debit cards are to blame for a 2.5% rise in the cost of goods throughout Europe.
- Consider a Credit Card Before a Loan [ 21.04.06 ]
When it comes needing credit for that foreign holiday or redecorating, most of us think of a personal loan. Now, however, the credit card should be considered also, with some card issuers offering credit at interest rates lower than a personal loan.
- Debit Cards Rule the Roost At The Tills [ 19.04.06 ]
Consumers in the UK are turning to their debit card instead of cash when it comes to paying for purchases on the high street as well as online.
- Millions in UK Have Debts of £10,000 [ 19.04.06 ]
A recent survey suggests that almost two million people in the UK owe more than £10,000 on credit cards, overdrafts and other forms of unsecured credit.
- The Pitfalls Interest-Free Credit Card Deals [ 17.04.06 ]
The slogan ‘interest-free’ appears to be emblazoned across every shop window and advert advertising everything from credit cards to electrical goods. With household budgets often stretched to the limit, these offers can seem very tempting. However, these offers of interest-free credit do come with serious pitfalls if agreements aren’t adhered to.
- Store Cards Should Warn of High Interest Rates [ 14.04.06 ]
According to the Competition Commission, store card statements should carry clear warnings alerting the customer to the high interest rate levied by that particular lender.
- Living In Never Never Land By Only Paying The Minimum Amount [ 13.04.06 ]
Most of us have read the book and even seen the movie Peter Pan but none of us should have ever visited the mythical land of the children’s hero. However, many of us are living there right now, in a comfort zone, only repaying the minimum amount on our credit card.
- PayPal Enters Credit Card Market [ 12.04.06 ]
Online payments service PayPal, is to move into the mainstream financial services market by launching its’ own credit card next month.
- 15 Month Balance Transfer Card to Make Comeback [ 12.04.06 ]
Hard pressed ‘rate tarts’ received welcomed news when Capital One announced it’s to launch a 15-month interest-free balance transfer credit card.
- Don’t Get Stung With Foreign Transaction Credit Card Charges [ 11.04.06 ]
A recent survey by uSwitch has found that Britons will spend around £11.5 billion and withdraw around £10.5 billion in cash. In effect, these transactions alone could cost consumers an additional £607 million in foreign transactions alone.
- Living Beyond Our Means Takes Us Deeper Into Debt [ 10.04.06 ]
A recent survey carried out by the internet bank Cahoot, a branch of Abbey, found that the majority of adults in the UK are still living beyond their means.
- Barclaycard Announce World Cup Promotion [ 05.04.06 ]
For every application and transaction that is made for and by the Barclaycard Mastercard up until May 16 you will be entered into a prize draw for VIP package for 2 that will take in all 12 venues at this years World Cup Finals in Germany