Choosing The Right Credit Card
Not quite sure what to make of the balance transfer charge, what to look for and exactly what is a 'good' credit card deal? This article should help clear up many questions that you have and make your understanding of credit cards a little clearer.
Cash Back or Rewards - You Choose
Not sure which would be the best for your spending levels? This article discusses the advantages and limitations of bothtype of credit card offers.
Credit Card Charges
So you think that you are a savvy credit card user? I bet that you have been caught out at some point or another with a hefty credit card charge. Late payment, over credit limit or refused payment to name but a few.
Common Credit Card Mistakes
With credit cards now outnumbering people in the UK you would be right to assume that not everyone in this country uses their credit cards correctly. But what are the most common mistakes that holders make?
Visa or Mastercard?
The two main credit card types have battled it out since the mid 1960s, but the credit card revolution was started in earnest by American Express in 1958.
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