Credit Card And Related News For July 2006 - 
Welcome to the latest news concerning UK credit cards and other related topics for the month of July 2006
- Pay By Touch Fingerprint Credit Card [31.07.06]
It almost sounds futuristic, a credit card you can use where all you need in order to pay for something is your fingerprint. You don’t need your credit card. You don’t need your Chip or Pin information. All you do need is your fingerprint – and you’re hardly likely to leave that somewhere!
- Goldfish Introduce New Credit Card Offer [29.07.06]
Goldfish have announced a new credit card reward scheme that will benefit customers as taking out the new card will mean cardholders can earn double Goldfish points, which equates to two points for every pound spent on the new card.
- The Minimum Monthly Repayment Trap & A Lifetime Of Credit Card Debt [28.07.06]
A recent growing trend among UK credit card providers is an offer that UK credit cardholders appear to be delighted about – a reduction in the minimum monthly repayment percentage amount that cardholders who carry a balance on their credit cards need to repay.
- How To Solve The Problem Of A Nation Of Aging Debtors? [27.07.06]
2005 will be remembered as being the worst year on record for spiralling individual levels of debt in the UK. It was the year in which Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, said that Britons’ spiralling levels of personal debt had now reached a level where it was conceivable that it could create economic difficulties.
- At 40, Is the UK Credit Card Industry Facing A Mid-Life Crisis? [24.07.06]
2006 will see the UK credit card industry celebrate its 40 th birthday. Now, technically that’s not 100% correct. Although it would be true to say that way back in 1966 Barclaycard did introduce the concept of a charge card
- Are The Glory Days Of UK Credit Cards Numbered? [23.07.06]
Recent pressure from the UK’s Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has seen a number of UK credit card provides being rebuked for both the high interest rates they charge and for the excessive hidden fees they appear to be charging UK credit cardholders.
- Halifax Turn Up the Heat on Rivals With Launch Of New One Card [19.07.06]
Next week will see Halifax’s latest foray into the UK credit card market with the launch of the Halifax One Card, which will offer a 0% interest rate on both balance transfers and purchases for nine months.
- The Dangers of Minimum Monthly Repayments [18.07.06]
In the UK there 32 million credit card holders and according to banking payments group APACS, the majority choose to clear their balance in full each month.
- Brits Waste £335m On Overseas Credit Card Charges [14.07.06]
The use of credit and debit cards abroad is costing British holidaymakers around £335m in avoidable charges. Being aware of the various costs incurred when using credit or debit cards abroad could save holidaymakers millions of pounds each year.
- Use Old Credit Cards Or Risk Identity Theft [13.07.06]
Not using that old credit card tucked away in the back of either your purse or wallet increases the chances of you falling victim to the UK’s fastest-growing crime, identity theft.
- Britons Still Being Caught Out By Charges [12.07.06]
Many UK consumers are still using credit card cheques without fully understanding the charges incurred by using them.
- What Effect Have Chip And PIN Had On UK Credit Card Fraud? [10.07.06]
2005 was the first full calendar year in which every UK credit cardholder was required to have a Chip and PIN UK credit card. Having been sold on the many additional security benefits that having a Chip and PIN credit card would bring, it would seem only fair then to assess what effect Chip and PIN have had on overall UK credit Card Fraud.
- Has The UK Become A Nation Of Plastic Card Junkies? [08.07.06]
For the first time, 2005 saw more plastic cards issued in the UK than there are people. Today there are over 73 million plastic cards in circulation and over 1,300 plastic card providers. Has the UK become a nation of plastic card junkies?
- New Pre-paid Travel Card Aimed At Overseas Travellers [07.07.06]
Millions of Britons travel overseas each year, but deciding how to get the most for you travel money can leave most travellers in a quandary.
- The “SNAP” Card – A Groovy Sounding Credit Card For Children? [07.07.06]
Imagine the scenario – a young father with his teenage child sitting in front of the computer trying to download a song from the internet. At less the £1, the cost of the downloaded song will come out of the child’s pocket money, but the father needs to make the payment as he needs to give his credit card details. But this scenario may be about to change.
- Goldfish Introduce New Credit Card Offer [06.07.06]
Goldfish have announced a new credit card reward scheme that will benefit customers as taking out the new card will mean cardholders can earn double Goldfish points, which equates to two points for every pound spent on the new card.
- The New Contact-less Payment Card [05.07.06]
Almost since the introduction of credit, charge and payment cards in the UK a debate has raged as to when the concept of a money-less society will take hold. Despite the fact that we now spend trillions of pounds a year on our credit, charge and payment cards, this money-less society has never really taken hold in the UK.
- Bank To Face Investigation Over Customer Suicide [04.07.06]
One of the UK’s largest high-street banks, the Royal Bank of Scotland, faces an investigation after it emerged that a suicide victim had run up £130,000 of debt with 22 different credit cards.
- Amex Red Card – Are They Really Helping To Do Something Incredible? [03.07.06]
Rightly known as being one of the world’s leading charge card providers, due to the huge amount American Express must have paid in advertising costs, lately you may be more familiar associating the brand name “Amex” with the new Amex Red Card.
- The First UK Credit Card Cardless Loyalty Programme [02.07.06]
As any good UK credit card consumer should be able to tell you, these days if a credit card provider doesn’t offer some for of UK credit card loyalty programme, then it’s not really worth becoming a member!