Brummies at higher risk of credit card fraud
Credit card fraud is something that has caused great concern over the whole of the UK over recent years, but according to a recent survey those living in Birmingham in the West Midlands are at increased risk of becoming victims of credit card fraud than in other parts of the country.
The report indicated that those consumers living in Birmingham were at increased risk of becoming victims of debit card fraud as well as credit card fraud, with the highest percentage of people claiming to have been victims of card fraud.
According to the survey more than a third of Brummies have been victims of credit card fraud, which put this area ahead of all the others, although Plymouth came a close second with thirty percent of residents in the area claiming to have been victims of debit card and credit card fraud. CPP, and insurance firm, stated that people living in Birmingham were at increased risk of having their account details stolen either through the postal system or via the Internet compared to the rest of the country.
Consumers all over the country are being warned to remain vigilant when it comes to using debit and credit cards, ensuring that they do not give out account details in response to emails, which could be part of a phishing scam, and ensuring that they do not give out details in response to a phone call that has not been initiated by themselves.
Consumers are also advised to shred documentation with account details on, as well as to remain vigilant when it comes to giving out card details on the phone within earshot of others. You should also check all statements for your credit and debt card transactions in order to identify any suspicious transactions so that early action can be taken in the event that you do become the victim of card fraud.
Tom Smith
2nd March 2007
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